Learn more about an Internship with SAME Café:

So All May Eat / SAME Café internship is designed to engage the student in all aspects of the nonprofit social enterprise, starting with the guest service experience in the Café and continuing with the internal and external interactions involved in the leadership and operation of our organization.

During the internship, SAME will provide experiential training in development for a non-profit organization including funding source research and foundation application preparation. Learning objectives will address food justice, equity, community building, fundraising, and non-profit management and include a wide variety of experiences in the areas of community development, community collaboration and mobilization, advocacy, resource development, and volunteer management.

The intern’s role will be three-fold:

1. Meet the Café guests and assist with Café service to engage with the community that SAME Café serves.

2. Assist the staff through interactions and relationships involved with food procurement and production in the SAME Café kitchen, preparing food alongside volunteers and community members.

3. Assist the executive directors, the senior manager of operations and the development coordinator with fund development -- writing foundation funding applications and reports -- and donor stewardship.

The expectations will be that, through the roles and experiences during the internship, the student will develop an understanding of the people SAME serves, the leadership and community engagement needed, and the processes involved in leading and operating a nonprofit agency.

Interns work one day each week at SAME Café to gain an understanding of the people they serve, SAME's partners, and the food systems, factors, and related programming and policies that influence food accessibility. On other days, interns work directly with members of the SAME leadership team, gathering and compiling information about SAME and its programs to apply when assisting with writing foundation funding applications and reports, and providing other fund development support. 

Interns are encouraged to design and conduct research related to food access, community and partnership building, and program evaluation.

Interns are welcome to attend SAME Board meetings to understand how the diverse group of professionals on the Board work together to make decisions that benefit the SAME not-for-profit social enterprise.

(Denver, CO) Please Contact:

Ann Cohen, MS, RDN, LD

Development and Internship Coordinator

So All May Eat / SAME Café


573.864.2060 (cell)

(Toledo, OH) Please Contact:

Claudia Annoni, Executive Director


419.461.4652 (cell)