The mission of So All May Eat / SAME is Creating Community Through Healthy Food Access. Just as SAME spells out, we do this work So All May Eat. Everyone needs to eat, and everyone deserves access to healthy food. The SAME model works to build community around our shared love of food and helping each other out. We accomplish this by embodying the SAME Values in all the work that we do.
Values of SAME
Welcome to So All May Eat / SAME Café!
1. Whole People: We support our community’s mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.
People are more than just their needs and they bring all of themselves into a space. This wholeness includes their physical and psychological experiences. Our goal is to foster a culture in which we care for one another and this starts with the wellbeing of each and every guest. We offer a space for guests to exist and feel seen, safe, and nourished.
2. Belonging: Individuals are welcomed with dignity and respect, recognized for their inherent value, and honored for their unique contributions to the SAME Community.
We aim to cultivate an environment in which every person is seen as the individual they are, and then welcomed into our community. We treat every person who walks through the doors of a SAME Café the same and recognize the inherent value they carry as a human being. In our efforts to uplift all voices, we ensure there is representation of all kinds of backgrounds on both our community board and within our staff. This effort exists both on the national and regional levels.
3. Phenomenal Food: Local, naturally-grown, beautiful produce and sustainable practices are at the center of each one of SAME’s delicious and healthy meals.
Our neighborhood food producers, along with the Earth itself, are valuable members of our community and we strive to honor both in the meals we create. Nutritious, quality, and accessible foods grown with care reflect the heart of our mission as we feed our community. We prioritize organic and naturally-grown produce, without harmful practices or pesticides.
4. Participation: Every person participates in the mission by bringing resources to the table: time, money, or produce.
A sense of purpose is a crucial component to human happiness, which is why participation is at the heart of what we do. By participating however they can, guests are actively contributing to our mission and solidifying their position in our community in the process.
5. Leadership Through Service: Our diverse community is guided by service, engaged in food justice, and provides a model of integrated social entrepreneurship.
Our work does not stop at the Café as we continue to seek innovative ways to empower our community members. Be it through our volunteer programs, internships, or Cook to Work program, we are always trying to expand our efforts to integrate more deeply into our community and reach a larger audience So All May Eat.
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See the organizational flow chart below. We turn the traditional pyramid upside down because we believe leaders are there to support those they lead, not to be domineering. When people are promoted, they get a “deeper” position, not a higher position. The leadership team, Boards of Directors, and advisors all exist to support and to provide the necessary resources for the people who produce the impact at SAME by creating community through healthy food access.
Pictured: SAME Inc. organizational flow chart